"Sylvia Čápová - Vizváry
has exceptional technical resources (with a large hand span) and plenty of temperament, enabling her
to negotiate the reefs with assurance even in the most demanding piano pieces.
She is at home in the realms
of romantic transport, poetry, passion, drama and bravura, always striving to bring a new perspective to bear on the pieces performed. The audience can inspire her
to mobilise her full artistic
and personal potential and thus make their own contribution
to an impressive performance.
With her accumulated experience, Čápová-Vizváry has shown an increasing mastery of presentation, which she can draw on when representing specific features
of the style of particular authors. She delights in subtle overtones, while also being able to reach those towering peaks where the sound is metallic, literally virile."
(Vladimír Čížik: Dictionary of Slovak Concert Art, Vol. I)